Commit f2bb13df by zhaoyang


parent 2c3593d3
* The table ABS_LOAN 信贷资产
public class AstPoolLoanPagePage extends BasePage<AstPoolLoan>{
* astPoolNo .
private String astPoolNo;
* Set astPoolNo .
public void setAstPoolNo(String astPoolNo){
this.astPoolNo = astPoolNo;
* Get astPoolNo .
* @return the string
public String getAstPoolNo(){
return astPoolNo;
import com.general.system.common.model.Money;
import java.util.Date;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* The table AstPoolLoan
public class AstPoolLoan implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
* astNo 资产编号.
private String astNo;
* prinBal 贷款剩余本金.
private Money prinBal;
* startDate 贷款日期.
private Date startDate;
* freeTerm 贷款剩余期限.
private Long freeTerm;
* rate 贷款利率.
private BigDecimal rate;
* riskCl 五级分类.
private String riskCl;
* repayPeriod 还款周期.
private Long repayPeriod;
* repayPeriodType 还款周期类型.
private String repayPeriodType;
* repayMethod 还款方式.
private String repayMethod;
* planName 资产归属.
private String planName;
* Set astNo 资产编号.
public void setAstNo(String astNo){
this.astNo = astNo;
* Get astNo 资产编号.
* @return the string
public String getAstNo(){
return astNo;
* Set prinBal 贷款剩余本金.
public void setPrinBal(Money prinBal){
this.prinBal = prinBal;
* Get prinBal 贷款剩余本金.
* @return the string
public Money getPrinBal(){
return prinBal;
* Set startDate 贷款日期.
public void setStartDate(Date startDate){
this.startDate = startDate;
* Get startDate 贷款日期.
* @return the string
public Date getStartDate(){
return startDate;
* Set freeTerm 贷款剩余期限.
public void setFreeTerm(Long freeTerm){
this.freeTerm = freeTerm;
* Get freeTerm 贷款剩余期限.
* @return the string
public Long getFreeTerm(){
return freeTerm;
* Set rate 贷款利率.
public void setRate(BigDecimal rate){
this.rate = rate;
* Get rate 贷款利率.
* @return the string
public BigDecimal getRate(){
return rate;
* Set riskCl 五级分类.
public void setRiskCl(String riskCl){
this.riskCl = riskCl;
* Get riskCl 五级分类.
* @return the string
public String getRiskCl(){
return riskCl;
* Set repayPeriod 还款周期.
public void setRepayPeriod(Long repayPeriod){
this.repayPeriod = repayPeriod;
* Get repayPeriod 还款周期.
* @return the string
public Long getRepayPeriod(){
return repayPeriod;
* Set repayPeriodType 还款周期类型.
public void setRepayPeriodType(String repayPeriodType){
this.repayPeriodType = repayPeriodType;
* Get repayPeriodType 还款周期类型.
* @return the string
public String getRepayPeriodType(){
return repayPeriodType;
* Set repayMethod 还款方式.
public void setRepayMethod(String repayMethod){
this.repayMethod = repayMethod;
* Get repayMethod 还款方式.
* @return the string
public String getRepayMethod(){
return repayMethod;
* Set planName 资产归属.
public void setPlanName(String planName){
this.planName = planName;
* Get planName 资产归属.
* @return the string
public String getPlanName(){
return planName;
import com.general.system.common.model.Money;
* The table AstPoolLoanStat
public class AstPoolLoanStat implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
* allPrinBal 所有剩余本金.
private Money allPrinBal;
* allCnt 共剩余资产笔数.
private Long allCnt;
* packPrinBal 已打包剩余本金.
private Money packPrinBal;
* packCnt 已打包剩余资产笔数.
private Long packCnt;
* Set allPrinBal 所有剩余本金.
public void setAllPrinBal(Money allPrinBal){
this.allPrinBal = allPrinBal;
* Get allPrinBal 所有剩余本金.
* @return the string
public Money getAllPrinBal(){
return allPrinBal;
* Set allCnt 共剩余资产笔数.
public void setAllCnt(Long allCnt){
this.allCnt = allCnt;
* Get allCnt 共剩余资产笔数.
* @return the string
public Long getAllCnt(){
return allCnt;
* Set packPrinBal 已打包剩余本金.
public void setPackPrinBal(Money packPrinBal){
this.packPrinBal = packPrinBal;
* Get packPrinBal 已打包剩余本金.
* @return the string
public Money getPackPrinBal(){
return packPrinBal;
* Set packCnt 已打包剩余资产笔数.
public void setPackCnt(Long packCnt){
this.packCnt = packCnt;
* Get packCnt 已打包剩余资产笔数.
* @return the string
public Long getPackCnt(){
return packCnt;
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